On Fri, Aug 9, 2019 at 1:01 PM shouldbe q931 <shouldbeq...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 4:07 PM Adam Kumiszcza <akumisz...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Although there is one method using WSL, there is also the "native" method
> https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Networking-Blog/Top-10-Networking-Features-in-Windows-Server-2019-10-Accurate/ba-p/339739
> "Precision Time Protocol - Try it out!"

Thanks! The link at the bottom is to a .doc file, which gives some
explanations. I'll try it out more thoroghly later. (

Some of the required links do not work, though, so it all seems a long way
till stable I guess.

I have run PTP on a rPi 3B without any kernel modifications as a
> grandmaster (with a ublox GPS to provide time and PPS), and experimented
> with different NICs (intel, broadcom and solarflare, all with HW
> timestamping) as clients in x64 hosts.

What type of PTP did you use? ptpd (https://github.com/ptpd/ptpd) or
linuxptp (http://linuxptp.sourceforge.net/)?

I've tried the latter, and used the following ntp.conf (part of it here):

#PPS Kernel mode
server minpoll 4 maxpoll 4
fudge time1 +0.000000 flag3 0 refid PPS

tos mindist 0.002

server mode 89 minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 iburst prefer
fudge flag1 0 flag3 0 time2 0.059089 refid GPS stratum 2

#local PTP reference
fudge refid PTP

/etc/linuxptp/ptp4l.conf has the following lines:
clock_servo             ntpshm
ntpshm_segment          0
priority1               10
priority2               10

(the rest was left as default)

/etc/linuxptp/timemaster.conf is as follows:
# Configuration file for timemaster

[ntp_server localhost]
minpoll 4
maxpoll 4

[ptp_domain 0]
interfaces eth0
delay 10e-6

ntp_program ntpd

include /etc/chrony.conf

includefile /etc/ntp.conf


path /usr/sbin/chronyd

path /usr/sbin/ntpd
options -u ntp:ntp -g

path /usr/sbin/phc2sys

path /usr/sbin/ptp4l

But I think this shows it does not really interact with ntp:
pi@zegar:~ $ ntpq -c "cv &3"
associd=52436 status=00f1 15 events, clk_no_reply,
device="SHM/Shared memory interface", timecode=, poll=1850, noreply=1850,
badformat=0, baddata=0, stratum=0, refid=PTP, flags=0

(maybe because there's nothing connected on the other side, but I guess
noreply means no reply from PTP daemon?)

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