> You can't test a server for smearieness.  It wouldn't surprise me if some of
> them turn out to be getting time from google servers or something similar.

True, but you *can* see which upstream time source has been selected
for a NTP server. Ask went through the pool servers last leap-second
and contacted all the owners that were returning a Google IP as their
primary time source to get them to change their configuration.
Likewise, said servers that weren't reconfigured in time were pulled
out of rotation during the event to prevent any issues. So there
*were* some preventative measures taken.

AFAIK, the only *big* public time services that do leap-smearing are
Google & Amazon.

Yes, I know a person *can* configure their own NTP server to do
smearing too.... But if that one second is mission critical, then you
are probably taking a lot more care choosing upstream time sources.

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