On Fri, 3 Jan 2020 10:01:45 -0800
Jeffrey Pawlan <paw...@runbox.com> wrote:

> I am a very long time IEEE member of UFFS and I plan to go to the EFTF 
> at the ESA center in Holland in April.  For some strange reason I also 
> see that UFFS is having a EFTS conference in Besancon, France. and then 
> there will be a IFCS - ISAF conference in Keystone, Colorado in July.

Neither EFTF nor EFTS are UFFC or even IEEE events.
EFTF is the European Frequency and Time Forum. Kind of the European
counter part to PTTI. EFTF and IFCS have a joint converence every
second year (in odd years).

EFTS (European Frequency and Time Seminar) is a seminar/summer school
organized by Enrico Rubiola. It's a one week seminar on the basics of
time keeping and time/freuquency measurements.

IFCS (International Frequency Control Symposium) is an IEEE converence
organised by the UFFC chapter.

And for completeness, there is also the NIST Time and Frequency Seminar,
which is very similar to EFTS.

IFCS, PTTI and EFTF overlap quite a bit and you will find mostly the
same people at all three conferences, with a few differences. For whatever
reason US scientists tend to stick to conferences held in the US and don't
travel abroad as much as others. So IFCS/EFTF outside of the US gets smaller
attendance from US people. On the other hand, conferences in the US are so
expensive that a lot of people tend to prefer other conferences if IFCS is
in the US. (To give you an idea how expensive: If the conference would be
moved to a major city in Europe and all non-US participants would pay the
airplane tickets for the US people, they would still pay less than if
the conference would be held in the US)

> I will come to Holland (Netherlands) in April to attend the conference 
> at the ESA center in Noordwijk.  If you or others will be attending, 
> then we must meet in person.

The usual supects at EFTF and IFCS are Magnus Danielson, Anders Walin,
Enrico Rubiola and me. Marek Peca also used to come to EFTF, but I
haven't seen or heard of him in a while. Other time-nuts that have
been at IFCS/EFTF are Ole Petter Ronningen and Javier Serano. 
Javier usually comes, when he has something to present and Ole if his
wife permits it ;-)

                        Attila Kinali
Science is made up of so many things that appear obvious 
after they are explained. -- Pardot Kynes

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