
I need a sync pulse every minute at start of minute, aligned with UTC time 
(let's not discuss what UTC time really is :-)). Any quick assessment whether 
uBlox TIMEPULSE out can do this?

It does not seem to be a problem to generate a pulse every minute based on 
UBX-CFG-TP5, but how can this be aligned with a minute. Is the only solution to 
query time eg every top of second to see if minute has started?

I can parse this out of the GPS data even by polling but this seems ... not 

A few 10s of millsecond after exact start of minute would be fine. Thoughts? 
Target CPU is very limited, say ATmega328. Or none at all if it can be avoided.




prof. dr. ir. Christophe Huygens  IMEC-KULeuven-DistriNet
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