On 2/4/20 1:34 AM, Christoph Kopetzky wrote:
Ah OK, now I found the other offers... OK China...
Sorry for my quick first answer.
I agree with Esa. Ozone is a good method for contact-free desinfecting goods. The other alternative will be UV light. But
ozone is much better.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ozone is terrible for any sort of elastomer or polymer. It's highly reactive, etc. They use it purify water, but that's a sort of special case - you want the pathogens to be broken. You don't want sealing materials and polymer packages degrading

(for what it's worth UV also tends to break things down)

Quarantine would be a better bet.

I suppose you could do Ethylene Oxide (which works at lower temperatures and is less reactive than Ozone)

Viruses do not survive without a host. The common cold survives the longest, as much as 7 days, but most die within 24 hours. Hard surfaces (like your equipment) support the longest life.

Viruses don't form spores (Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) is a bacteria, as is Botulism( Clostridium botulinum))


J Infect Dis. 1982 Jul;146(1):47-51.
Survival of influenza viruses on environmental surfaces.
Bean B, Moore BM, Sterner B, Peterson LR, Gerding DN, Balfour HH Jr.

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