On Sun, 23 Feb 2020 14:19:20 -0500
Bob kb8tq via time-nuts <time-nuts@lists.febo.com> wrote:

> Since most mixers also have DC offset issues, it is pretty common to high 
> pass filter 
> the signal before you try to hit a limiter.  Yes, this can bring in other 
> issues, but the
> net result is commonly a “win”. 

With a discrete DMTD system, I would recommend using a feedback
circuit that ensures the output has 50% duty cycle. This both
compensates for the offset from the mixer and offset in the
squaring circuit. It also has the advantage of keeping the
even mode harmonics low and thus the folding of 1/f noise
is limited (or even eliminated).

Also keep in mind that Collins overestimates the noise
contributions for amplifiers with low gain. Ie the optimum
gain for the first stages is higher than Collins formula

                        Attila Kinali

<JaberWorky>    The bad part of Zurich is where the degenerates
                throw DARK chocolate at you.

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