Learned Gentlemen,
<snip> wrote: 
Backing up a little bit. the PPS in on these telecom Rb’s isdesigned to easily 
get the part set on frequency. It’s not designedfor a GPSDO application.

While this is true, I've copied three LPRO-101 circuits from the net and 
digitized some of the original pencil drawn circuits. They have been on the web 
for seven years.

I've sent these to the KO4BB website for posting.  If you can't find them there 
please contact me off list and I'll email them to you.
They are:
Modifying Lucent RFG-M-RB Rubidium Frequency Standard - Getting themost out of 
the industrial rubidium unit

A LPRO-101 Rubidium standard with PLL TCXO output stage

Using GPS to Fine-Tune a Rubidium Frequency Standard



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