Timenuts, Gentlemen, hello!

I would like to make my little contribution to this discussion showing
how I implemented my solution in my built PRS10 Box.
For PPS and 10 MHz reference I am running since years successfully a
Trimble Thunderbold together with the antenna fixed on the rooftop of my
house (see pic).

My PRS10 together with the stretcher of the 10µs long PPS pulse to about
250ms do work like a charm already more then 12 months driving LEDs.
This way I can easy visually check the PRS10.
By the way, the PPS output of Thunderbolt, also 10µs long, can as well
be visualized with this LED driver. But I had no problem to see the
pulse on my very old 100MHz Tektronix analog scope (but this is not very
convenient for daily check :-(  ).

As pictures do say more then 1000 words, I want to share the pictures of
my hardware for limited time for private timenut use, showing my way to
solve the problems with available tools and parts (beside eg. the RbO,
Thunderbold, Antenna and other used parts ;-) ).
Here you can open, view and/ or copy my pictures if you want:


kind regards,
Arnold, DK2WT

Am 21.04.2020 um 04:25 schrieb Taka Kamiya via time-nuts:
Maybe everyone but I knew, but I just did this and found it useful.
1 pps signal from some GPS are notoriously narrow and difficult to sync on and 
see on scopes.  LED will barely light if some kind of stretcher is not used.  
If your purpose is ONLY to see if it's there or not, hook up a small speaker, 
earphone, amplified or not, and you can hear the tick-tick sound.

I like DIYing and many times, I wonder if pps distribution circuit is working.  
I can tell a very short pulse that will barely register on LED is clearly 
I thought I'd share.

(Mr.) Taka Kamiya
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