Hi Magnus: You are, of course right; For a ham, the video board repair was trivial. I now have three working boards, one reinstalled in my HP-5372A.
So, of course, now I have the out of cal message, traceable to the RAM battery failure. I know this has been discussed a number of times before, but without a search function in The time-nuts Archives, I will take the easy way out, and ask you, or any one else willing to contribute. The maintenance manual I have is an Adobe PDF image that was never OCRed, so it also is not searchable. I have not been able to find the BATTERY. So where is it, and are there any tricks to replacing it? Once replaced, which set of alignment steps are needed to get the instrument back to a basic time and frequency functionality? Appreciate the help: Lester B Veenstra K1YCM MØYCM W8YCM 6Y6Y les...@veenstras.com 452 Stable Ln (HC84 RFD USPS Mail) Keyser WV 26726 GPS: 39.336826 N 78.982287 W (Google) GPS: 39.33682 N 78.9823741 W (GPSDO) Telephones: Home: +1-304-289-6057 US cell +1-304-790-9192 Jamaica cell: +1-876-456-8898 _______________________________________________ time-nuts mailing list -- time-nuts@lists.febo.com To unsubscribe, go to http://lists.febo.com/mailman/listinfo/time-nuts_lists.febo.com and follow the instructions there.