Based on a recommendation here sometime back, I bought a Symmetricom 58536A distribution amplifier so that up to four GPSDOs can share my rooftop Lucent 26db twist antenna.

When I connect the antenna to its port on the 58536A, and a Trimble Thunderbolt to port 1, Heather shows no antenna connection on the Thunderbolt. By contrast, when I use the antenna and Thunderbolt (and/or another GPSDO) with a 2-port Instock PD5120 splitter/combiner, all devices function normally.

The 58536A information note says it needs +4.5 to 13vdc. The antenna requires 3.3 to 5vdc. A multimeter measures +4.951vdc on the Thunderbolt's antenna port.

If anyone has suggestions, I'll be very grateful.


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