Alright Ray we can gang up on you with two of us.
By the way with respect to a BPSK modulator as mentioned I did just did
that and without any special driver chip. I used a ttl 7474 to synchronize
the 60 KHz reference to the incoming data.
Data in to D and 60 KHz to C, Q and QNot to 180 ohm R to drive the diodes.
Most likely this could go to 90 ohms and perhaps allow 0 dbm in or higher.
But did not need that level as I needed to drop to at least -50 db for the
KD2BD receiver I am working on.
The reason to use the driver chip in the d-psk-r is with the higher voltage
I can get more driver port isolation.

On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 11:40 AM Rodger via time-nuts <> wrote:

> Ray,
> I'll answer your question as I've done this.  The d-psk-r's intended use is
> to remove the bpsk from the WWVB carrier for the purpose of allowing older
> WWVB receivers to recover phase info from the carrier and it works very
> well
> for that purpose.  But, it can also be used, as you are trying to do, to
> generate "something similar" to the WWVB BPSK signal by feeding it 60 khz
> and letting the mixer do the phase modulation.  I've done it, and it works.
> But there would certainly be some differences between that signal and the
> "real" WWVB BPSK.  For one, the real WWVB signal has phase coherence
> between
> the 60 khz and the timing of the phase flips.  You won't get that with the
> d-psk-r as it's not necessary for it's intended purpose.  Obviously WWVB
> also has the AM component too so that would be missing if using the d-psk-r
> to modulate a carrier.
> But depending on your intended use, I see no reason that using the d-psk-r
> as a "re-psk-r"  shouldn't work just fine.
> If you're putting a sine wave in to the mixer on pin 8, you should be
> seeing
> a sine wave out on pin 1.  It's as simple as that.  And that sine wave
> should shift 180 degrees (invert polarity) if you flip the polarity of the
> bias on pins 10 and 15.  If you don't have any DC bias on pins 10/15 I'm
> not
> sure how much signal would pass through the transformers though I don't
> think it would be much as neither pair of diodes would be conducting.
> Good luck,
> Rodger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: time-nuts <> On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 2:20 AM
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> <>
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] WWVB PM Time Questions
> Paul,
> Yes, I built the d-psk-r per the schematic. However, I think I did not
> understand how it actually worked. I was expecting it to be able to
> duplicate the WWVB sine wave signal with the phase reversal present when
> the
> PM data bit changed from a 0 to 1 or 1 to 0. I have a 60 kHz sine wave
> going
> into pin 8 of the mixer transformer. I expected to see a sine wave out of
> pin 1.
> However, I looked at the code again and it appears the "LO" port of the
> mixer is only driven one per second. There is no steady drive to the "LO"
> port so there cannot be a sine wave out of the "IF" port. Is that correct?
> Or should there actually be a 60 kHz sine wave coming out of pin 1 on the
> mixer? If so, something is wrong with my d-psk-r. I am not trying to use it
> with any kind of receiver. I just want to see the sine wave on my scope.
> Ray,
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] WWVB PM Time Questions
> From: paul swed <>
> Date: Tue, August 18, 2020 12:19 pm
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> <>
> Ray I would tend to agree but I actually am unclear on the context.
> Did you actually build a d-psk-r?
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