Many years ago, I got some junker DP sensors - the chilled mirror type. I never did find any specific info on the model, or get around to figuring out the guts to run them. I can't recall if the support electronics were missing, or maybe potted, or if I just didn't want to reverse engineer them. I think I junked the non-usable parts, but may have saved some of the heads. I vaguely recall powering the TEC on one, and saw the dew show up on the mirror - very cool, so to speak. I always assumed they cycled the temperature over a narrow range once dew appeared, and used lock-in techniques to get a reliable optical signal telling the dew versus NOT dew condition, to home in on the temperature. Interestingly, the reason these were probably junked was that the little DC fans in the heads had all crapped out due to worn out bearings. Fans are so critical to many things, but are often the weakest link.


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