Dear Demetrios,

On 2021-01-20 20:02, Demetrios Matsakis via time-nuts wrote:
> I think I deleted the duplicate posts relevant to data gaps in deviation 
> statistics, and apologize if I took anybody’s out.
> In my personal software I don’t deal with outliers or data gaps by 
> interpolating, spline-fitting, or any other fancier things.    Instead I 
> compute the standard statistical measures by simply ignoring terms in the 
> summation that hit upon a data gap or outlier. 
> I don’t think Stable32 does that, so I’d like to pose this challenge to 
> anyone interested in serving the community:  Assuming IEEE will make the 
> source code available, can the approach I use be made an option?    And yes, 
> I know that the uncertainties of the deviation points get hard to compute, 
> but such issues can be warned about in the documentation, if not addressed.

Stable32 already does this. This is documented in "Handbook of Frequency
Stability Analysis" by W.J. Riley of Hamilton Technical Services, of
which essentially the same content is available as NIST SP 1065. In
addition, you also find it documented in "User manual, Stable32
Frequency Stability Analysis" of Hamilton Technical Services. A quick
look into the source code confirms this.

License-wise, most part of the code was already provided under a
MIT-style license, it has just not been generally released. We should
work to make it available, but there is a few loops to jump through to
ensure it gets done right.


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