Some administrative info (no need to reply).

1) We are still working on the time-nuts upgrade. When things solidify John will post details.

2) The time-nuts mailing list is currently unmoderated.

a) When moderated, every posting is checked manually before it goes out. This is possible because the volume of this list is quite low. Many posting mistakes are caught this way. The review process helps make the SNR of the list very high. But it takes time.

b) When unmoderated, postings go out to the list without review or delay. This results in more immediate postings but it also tends to increase the noise. The list works best when everyone stays on-topic and posts technical-rich content. We switch modes now and then as needed.


3) List emails (these are unchanged):

a) the main time-nuts list address is:
b) the time-nuts admin address is:

Technical postings/replies go to the main mailing list address. Questions about the list itself, problems with posting, attachments, bounces, membership, or conflict with others should go to the private admin address.

4) Join and leave (these are new):

c) to join time-nuts send an email to:
d) to leave time-nuts send an email to:


5) I keep the Time Nuts home page up-to-date with current info. It also contains background information for new members:

If you have comments/questions, email the list admin account (don't hit reply).

time-nuts mailing list -- -- To unsubscribe send an 
email to
To unsubscribe, go to and follow the instructions there.

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