This is indeed the frequency standard from the 5110A synthesizer driver. A few 
years ago I scanned and posted the manual for it on BAMA from where you can 
download it. I first encountered this marvelous instrument when I was an EE 
student in the late 1960's and was absolutely blown away by it. I wrote my 
final year thesis in 1970 on frequency synthesizers and the direct synthesis 
technology in the 5100A figured prominently. Compared to the other RF signal 
generators if the day it was way ahead!

Years later I am lucky enough to have a 5100A/5110A combo here and it works 
beautifully. I had to replace an immolated  SRD with a varactor as described in 
the prc68 web page which is a story in itself, and it hasn't missed a beat 
since. The synthesizer has provision for computer control of the push button 
functions so the frequency can be switched very rapidly by software. I have the 
connectors and suitable cable but have never got around to building a suitable 
interface. More modern equipment superseded it but I'm very pleased to have one 
still working.

73, Morris Odell VK3DOC
Locked down in Melbourne, Australia
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