that does sound a bit strange, for me it looks like the program does not
work correct at all. When I change this way between GPS time and UTC LH
does immediately switch the time these 18 secs and does continue working
without a resetting comment.
Did you install this version 6 (the last is v. 6.14 beta) as described?
You have to have installed v 5 before and then to follow the instruction
for the beta version to install on top. John, KE5FX, does provide this
released v. 5 on his homepage. The readme for the settings is in general
still valid. See
I think in your case it will perhaps be a good idea to restart the full
installation with v.5 and then proceeding as in the instruction to
switch to the beta version. Mark Sims wrote:'This is just the .exe To
use it you will need to have v5.0 installed and working (from
and replace the v5.0 heather.exe file with this one (backup your old
.exe first).' That should then work properly. I am running Win 10 pro 64
w/o any hazzle with LH 6.14.

Good luck!

Arnold, DK2WT

Am 29.07.2021 um 03:30 schrieb B Riches via time-nuts:
  Hi Arnold,
I Tried that - hit t then u - clock program said resetting and will take a bid. 
 Still did not work.  Any other ideas?
     On Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 07:23:28 PM EDT, Arnold Tibus 
<> wrote:

  Bill, it is quite easy:
When running LH type 'T',
you will then see the list 'Reference'
then hit 'U' for UTC-time.
This should resolve the problem.

I had the same effect before
confusing on top left side is
showing 'UTC ofs: 18'
but this is only the information
for the difference GPS/ UTC time I understand.
But LH was still running with GPS-time setting.
Hope this will help you.

kind regards

Arnold, DK2WT

Am 29.07.2021 um 00:04 schrieb B Riches via time-nuts:
How can a make my LH V6.1 clock show time equal to UTC time?  It is 18 seconds 
fast = to 18 second offset.
Set up:
Windoze 10
simple con fig file = /3  /rx  /tz=-4edst
KS24361 - REF0 GPS
UTC time in greenDate, Week, TOW in yellowDate 28 Jul 2021  ro Week 2160UTC 
ofs:18 in white
When programming is running and I enter rxx/17 clock = UTC time but receiver 
has shut down.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
Bill, WA2DVUCape May, NJ
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