The balanced line does work and does reduce the emissions on a 160 ft run.
Used it for 1, 5, 10 MHz.
Wellll my only issue is every time we had a lightning storm it seemed to
fry the ICs.
The line drivers and receivers were analog devices ADSL type technology.
Was a bit of a pain to deal with as they were smt devices. Tried various
suppression methods. I am sure there was a way. But I went back to coax.
I have also considered optics. HP had written a paper on using them circa
1990 approx. for frequency distribution.

On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 10:34 AM Andy Talbot <> wrote:

> Hence my observation that balanced twisted pair might be a better solution
> than coax for 10MHz distribution
> Removes all possibility of ground loops
> Andy
> On Sun, 29 Aug 2021 at 15:22, Dana Whitlow <> wrote:
> > I believe that a significant problem in my case was not leakage through
> the shield,
> > but
> > rather common-mode currents on the cable.  My experiences were with RG-6
> style
> > cable,
> > namely a cable that mostly went around the outside of the house for TV
> > distribution.
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