Conventional samplers for home brewers usually go to 1 GHz. The SD-32 sampler for the Tektronix 11801C mainframe goes to 50 GHz. The HP 110GHz oscilloscope costs around $1.3 Million USD, with a 10-bit resolution. Very impressive. I have invented a new sampling technology that promises 160 GHz bandwidth, yet is affordable to home experimenters. If you can afford an IPhone or IPad, you can afford this sampler. This technology is not pie-in-the-sky. I made a basic 5 GHz version for the University of Ludwigshafen, Germany, and they were very pleased with the results. I am attaching images of the response compared to a Tektronix 1502 TDR and the pcb as proof. This was the first prototype, and I have made significant improvements since then. I have two questions for the time-nuts group: 1. where would a sampler with this bandwidth be useful? 2. where can I find signal sources at these frequencies to check the response? Thanks, Mike
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