
The C/A code format have seen much greater changes before that. It's extention from 24 to 32 birds was not small, neither was the addition of the GPS-UTC corrections.


On 2021-10-22 21:29, Björn wrote:
”It's actually a systemflaw that never was fixed in L1 C/A code. It would have 
been good if they added additional GPS-weeks bits in that signal, but it never 
materialiseras. It did for other newer signals.”

The L1 C/A was optimised many decades ago. How Do you change the bitstream 
definition, considering several satellite generations running in parallel. Some 
approaching 20 years since launch. Many years more since design.

How do you ensure that old and current working C/A-code receivers don’t turn 
into unusable crap?  (Including the systems they reside in)

Systemflaw... for a system designed now yes. For one designed in the 70-ties, 
still running the show No. Not in my view.

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