I have worked with IBM PC/XT computers and Ethernet (3Com) since 1983 (when 
new), while in graduate college (and worked summers for an IBM / Apple dealer).

At that time (8088/8086, 80286), Microsoft & SCO Xenix we’re popular for small 
multi-user systems.  This required a number of Serial ports on the ISA bus.

LAVA Computers (Lava-Link, one trade name) provided add-on ISA cards for this 
early market.  40 years later, LAVA is still in business offering ISA, PCI, and 
PCIe serial cards, as well as some parallel port cards.

The Retail Point-of-Sale (POS) market segment is one of their largest LAVA 
customer bases.  Burlington Northern Railroad was an early LAVA customer in 
late 1980s.
RS-232 supports cabling lengths longer than USB and require less software 
overhead and hardware.  Reliable Programming examples (circular queues) were 
widespread and taught in 1980s.  Ethernet/WLAN solutions were historically more 
expensive and required more expensive chipsets and greater software overhead 

LAVA serial cards use high speed 16550 UARTs capable of transfer rates us to 
115.2 kbps, or 
ultra high speed 16550 UARTs with transfer rates up to 460.8 kbps. 
Hardware configurations include RS-232 or RS-422 signalling.

LAVA Serial I/O cards
I currently use three DSerial-PCIe (PCIe 2-port RS-232) cards in three (3) 
computers that have Intel DH87RL motherboards.  They work FLAWLESSLY.
I use these Serial ports for GPS receivers, 10 MHz references, EPROM 
programmers, and serial ports on various radios, test equipment, and breakouts.

greg, w9gb
** The ONLY issue with serial ports Microsoft Windows, since WinNT/W2K, is that 
the OS mistakes some Serial devices (like GPS receivers with 1 PPS on the 
serial port), as their Microsoft Serial Mouse (1990s MS hardware).  Solution 
was well documented. **

LAVA Computer MFG Inc.
2 Vulcan Street, Toronto,
Ontario, M9W 1L2, CANADA
T: +1-800-241-LAVA (5282) Toll Free
T: +1 416-674-5942
F: +1 416-674-8262
E: sa...@lavalink.com
W: www.lavalink.com
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