My Raspberry Pi with a TimeHat thinks it's May 18 2002.

When I refresh / reload the web page the time updates fine, but not the date.

Fix Data
Fix Type    3D Fix
Fix Status    DGPS Fix
UTC    2002-05-18T00:47:58.000Z
Leap Seconds    18

Dilution of Precision
GDOP     1.63
HDOP     0.94
PDOP     1.44
TDOP     0.76
XDOP     0.58
YDOP     0.74
VDOP     1.09

Error Estimates
epc     0 m/s
eph     2.012 m
eps     0 m/s
ept    0.005 s
epx     2.173 m
epy     2.788 m
epv     2.449 m
sep     1899.81 m
ecef pAcc     3.17 m
ecef vAcc     0.32 m

Seen 23      Used 15
    PRN     Elv    Azm     SNR    Used
GP1    1    63     105     39     Y
GP7    7    43     184     30     Y
GP8    8    19     59     32     Y
GP13    13    14     289     39     Y
GP14    14    56     317     30     Y
GP17    17    43     259     24     Y
GP19    19    19     248     35     Y
GP21    21    45     58     44     Y
GP30    30    61     226     28     Y
SB133    46    20     244     30     Y
SB138    51    35     223     34     Y
GL15    79    78     99     39     Y
GL17    81    66     24     42     Y
GL18    82    57     223     40     Y
GL24    88    14     34     29     Y
GP3    3    4     135     0     N
GP22    22    15     113     16    uN
GP28    28    0     0     35    uN
SB135    48    23     241     36     N
GL14    78    26     136     0     N
GL16    80    36     326     0     N
GL19    83    12     216     20     N
GL27    91    66     24     0     N

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