Bob kb8tq writes:

> My only concern here is that before one goes of and spends 5,10, or
> 20 thousand dollars on an OCXO, [...]

Bob, you are kind of missing the point here...

The entire point of Audio-Homoepathy is to spend excessive amounts
of money, so that you can brag about how rich you are, and how
super-human your refined sense of hearing is, all without wasting
any time or effort on it.

How else can there be a market for $3000 CAT-6 ethernet cables ?

It is Audio-Homoepathy, because the crucial feature is "orders of magnitude".

They do not buy a slightly expensive ethernet cable, they buy one
which cost several orders of magnitude more than what it is worth,
so that nobody can doubt that money is no issue - and thereby
make the money the only real point.

I know several people who are quite comfortable parting these
newly-rich from their money, and I cannot really fault them...

One of those companies have a business model where they hand-build
quite competent amplifiers using outrageous raw materials and hawk
them at insane prices using industry-strength flim-flam.

When I say "indystry-strength flim-flam" I mean it.

At one time they had a role of teflon foil stored next to a resarch
nuclear reactor for some weeks, so that the "neutrons could equalize
the the tension in the micro-grid structure" before it got rolled 
into capacitors with a gold foil with similar super-natural properties.

Often the invariably "very serious buyer" will persuade them, in
return for a stiff compensation, to never build any more, and refuse
to ever talk abut it, so he can (also) brag about having the only
one ever made, and make up some flim-flam about why that is so
("... but that reactor is closed now, and the guy who knew how to
reorient the rolls is dead.")

Then they rinse & repeat, this time with capacitors wound by virgins
from some tropical island or whatever.

The fact that the socalled "NFT" market has negatively impacted the
"high end audio" market recently tells you everything you need to
know about both of them.

So the question we are really being asked here, is what which
OCXO can be flim-flam'ed the most, when it becomes another dose
of audio-homoepathy.


Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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