On 3/25/22 5:55 AM, jeanmichel.fri...@femto-st.fr wrote:
Dear community,
I am trying to find historical documents describing the pseudo random sequences
in the SATRE Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer (TWSTFT) modem.
K. Imamura & F. Takahashi (Two Way Time Transfer Via a Geostationnary Satellite,
J. of the Comm. Research Lab., 39(1), March 1992) describe the code structure
(14-bit long pseudo random sequence truncated to 10000 bit length) but the
generator polynomial coefficients are not given. I have not been able to find
information in Timetech's SATRE manual nor in the publicly available literature.
This paper cites "P. Hartl, A modem for microwave time and ranging experiments
via telecommunication satellites, MITREX2500 Manual, Jan 1989" which I am unable
to locate.
Would anyone have such a document, or at least could tell me whether the
polynomials are described there? Alternatively, does anyone have a description
of these
14-bit polynomial generators?
Thanks, Jean-Michel
JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency, 26 rue de l'Epitaphe, 25000 Besancon,
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I ran across this:
SATER modem used in microwave time transfer
but it's only 2 pages and not very informative.
A paper by Hartl, et al.
Cites a paper for the MITREX modem, but also mentions it can do two PN
sequences at the same time.
P. Hartl et al., High accuracy global time transfer via geo-
synchronous telecommunication satellites with MITREX " Z. FLugwiss.,
Weltraumforschung, v7, pp 334-342, 1983
Hartl has had a paper at PTTI in Dec 1983 "Spread spectrum time transfer
experiment via INTELSAT"
There's also P. Hartl, et al., Mitrex 25000 documentation, Institute for
Navigation, Univ. Stuttgart, Germany, Jan 1985
Looks like it was probably built at Univ Stuttgart:
Im Jahr 1983 wurde Professor Dr.-Ing. Philipp Hartl auf die Professur
berufen und übernahm die Leitung des Instituts. Während der Amtszeit von
Prof. Hartl wurden insbesondere die Forschungsbereiche der
Satellitenmesstechnik sowie der Satellitenfernerkundung aufgebaut.
Hervorzuheben sind die Konzeption und Entwicklung des
Satellitenmesssystems PRARE, des Zeitübertragungssystems MITREX sowie
die grundlegenden Arbeiten zur Radar-Interferometrie.
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