On 11.05.22 08:15, Carsten Andrich wrote:

Also, any reason to do this via forward and inverse FFT? AFAIK the
Fourier transform of white noise is white noise, [...]
I had the same question when I first saw this. Unfortunately I don't have a good
answer, besides that forward + inverse ensures that the noise looks like it is
supposed to do, while I'm not 100% whether there is an easy way to generate
time-domain Gauss i.i.d. noise in the frequency domain.

If you know how, please let me know.
Got an idea on that, will report back.

Disclaimer: I'm an electrical engineer, not a mathematician, so someone trained in the latter craft should verify my train of though. Feedback is much appreciated.

Turns out the derivation of the DFT of time-domain white noise is straightforward. The DFT formula

X[k] = \Sigma_{n=0}^{N-1} x[n] * e^{-2j*\pi*k*n/N}

illustrates that a single frequency-domain sample is just a sum of scaled time-domain samples. Now let x[n] be N normally distributed samples with zero mean and variance \sigma^2, thus each X[k] is a sum of scaled i.i.d. random variables. According to the central limit theorem, the sum of these random variables is normally distributed.

To ascertain the variance of X[k], rely on the linearity of variance [1], i.e., Var(a*X+b*Y) = a^2*Var(X) + b^2*Var(Y) + 2ab*Cov(X,Y), and the fact that the covariance of uncorrelated variables is zero, so, separating into real and imaginary components, one gets:

Var(Re{X[k]}) = \Sum_{n=0}^{N-1} Var(x[n]) * Re{e^{-2j*\pi*k*n/N})}^2
              = \Sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \sigma^2  * cos(2*\pi*k*n/N)^2
              = \sigma^2 * \Sum_{n=0}^{N-1} cos(2*\pi*k*n/N)^2

Var(Im{X[k]}) = \Sum_{n=0}^{N-1} Var(x[n]) * Im{e^{-2j*\pi*k*n/N})}^2
              = ...
              = \sigma^2 * \Sum_{n=0}^{N-1} sin(2*\pi*k*n/N)^2

The sum over squared sin(…)/cos(…) is always N/2, except for k=0 and k=N/2, where cos(…) is N and sin(…) is 0, resulting in X[k] with real DC and Nyquist components as is to be expected for a real x[n]. Finally, for an x[n] ~ N(0, \sigma^2), the DFT's X[k] has the following variance:

                { N   * \sigma^2, k = 0
Var(Re{X[k]}) = { N   * \sigma^2, k = N/2
                { N/2 * \sigma^2, else

                { 0             , k = 0
Var(Im{X[k]}) = { 0             , k = N/2
                { N/2 * \sigma^2, else

Therefore, a normally distributed time domain-sequence x[n] ~ N(0, \sigma^2) with N samples has the following DFT (note: N is the number of samples and N(0, 1) is a normally distributed random variable with mean 0 and variance 1):

       { N^0.5     * \sigma *  N(0, 1)                , k = 0
X[k] = { N^0.5     * \sigma *  N(0, 1)                , k = N/2
       { (N/2)^0.5 * \sigma * (N(0, 1) + 1j * N(0, 1)), else

Greenhall has the same results, with two noteworthy differences [2]. First, normalization with the sample count occurs after the IFFT. Second, his FFT is of size 2N, resulting in a N^0.5 factor between his results and the above. Finally, Greenhall discards half (minus one) of the samples returned by the IFFT to realize linear convolution instead of circular convolution, fundamentally implementing a single iteration of overlap-save fast convolution [3]. If I didn't miss anything skimming over the bruiteur source code, it seems to skip that very step and therefore generates periodic output [4].

Best regards,

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variance#Basic_properties
[2] https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/ADA485683.pdf#page=5
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overlap%E2%80%93save_method
[4] https://github.com/euldulle/SigmaTheta/blob/master/source/filtre.c#L130
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