
If you have any ceramic capacitors in the mix, they are often microphonic. 
The X7R versions are typically the best “high C” types. NPO’s normally are
completely non-microphonic. Other non-ceramic caps should be ok, but 
who knows. 

Roughly speaking, 1 nV / Hz should be low enough to not matter. Since all
these specs are “typical” one never knows quite what this or that part may
be doing. You *should* see a drop putting in a 1 nV in place of a 5 nV.


> On Jul 12, 2022, at 7:53 AM, Erik Kaashoek <e...@kaashoek.com> wrote:
> I'm struggling with the noise floor.
> First tests where done with a 5nV/sqrt(Hz) opamp. Noise floor with shorted 
> mixer output at 10kHz was -140dBc/Hz. Then I tried with 1nV/sqrt(Hz) opamp, 
> but that made no difference, noise floor at 10kHz was still -140dBc/Hz
> The setup was simplified to this schematic: 
> http://athome.kaashoek.com/time-nuts/PNA/SSPNA.JPG
> The REF_buffer creates a virtual ground, the Audio_LNA amplifies into the 
> differential audio output .
> Why did the lower noise opamp not make a difference?
> Also the setup is acting like a nice microphone. Tapping the housing is 
> clearly audible. Which component may be causing the microphony?
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