Hi, all!

i'm trying something very simple:

stephan@ludo:~/cvs/fossil/cpdo$ tcc -fPIC -c  -DCPDO_ENABLE_SQLITE3=1
-DCPDO_ENABLE_MYSQL5=1  -I. -I./include  cpdo_amalgamation.c
stephan@ludo:~/cvs/fossil/cpdo$ tcc -c -I. -Iinclude test.c
stephan@ludo:~/cvs/fossil/cpdo$ tcc -o test-tcc -rdynamic -L/usr/lib/mysql
-lmysqlclient -lsqlite3 cpdo_amalgamation.o test.o
tcc: undefined symbol 'strlen'
tcc: undefined symbol 'strcmp'

which special C libs do i need to specify here? i tried -ltcc, but that
didn't help.

tcc 0.9.25 on x86/64 (Ubuntu 10.10 if it makes a difference)

i found this message in the list archives:


and it seems to be the same problem. i tried using the tcc version from git
(current as of 3 minutes ago), but the same behaviour. (That message
specifies a specific branch, but i am seeing only the master branch.)


----- stephan beal
Tinycc-devel mailing list

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