Le mardi 5 juillet 2011 19:04:22, grischka a écrit :
> Thomas Preud'homme wrote:
> > 
> >     {
> >     
> >         const char delim[] = ":";
> >         char *tok, *tok_extra_libdir = NULL, *tok_save_ptr,
> >         *extra_libdir_str; size_t toklen = 0, old_toklen = 0;
> >         
> >         extra_libdir_str = tcc_strdup(CONFIG_TCC_EXTRA_LDDIR);
> >         tok = strtok_r(extra_libdir_str, delim, &tok_save_ptr);
> >         while (tok != NULL)
> >         {
> >         
> >             toklen = strlen(CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/local") + strlen(tok);
> >             if (toklen > old_toklen)
> >             
> >                 tok_extra_libdir = tcc_realloc(tok_extra_libdir,
> >                 
> >                                                toklen * sizeof(char));
> >             
> >             /* No need for snprintf: value in tok comes from tcc
> >             compilation */ sprintf(tok_extra_libdir, CONFIG_SYSROOT
> >             "%s", tok); tcc_add_library_path(s, tok_extra_libdir);
> >             sprintf(tok_extra_libdir, CONFIG_SYSROOT "/usr/local%s",
> >             tok); tcc_add_library_path(s, tok_extra_libdir);
> >             tok = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &tok_save_ptr);
> >         
> >         }
> >         tcc_free(tok_extra_libdir);
> >     
> >     }
> > 
> > #endif
> Well, whatever you do, please try to give us new structure and not
> just new features!
> For example, this "extra" functionality could well live in its own
> function rather than as just another spaghetti inline hack.
> Also, splitting path components at colons is a general task, so it
> can have its own general purpose utility.  For example:
>     int tcc_split_path_components(const char *in, char ***out);
> which in tcc would probably return the components as a 'dynarray'.
Sure. I'll do it. Maybe not today but let's say tomorrow. By the way, there 
were 2 bugs in the first patch:

* no #define of CONFIG_TCC_LDDIR and CONFIG_TCC_EXTRA_LDDIR should be done if 
$lddir is unset or null, else the #ifndef CONFIG_TCC_LDDIR is useless
* extralddir should not sort with :
> Also, I'd claim that using strtok is somehow un-tcc'ish, seen that
> there are zero occurrences anywhere else. ;)
Ah. Then what tcc'ish function should I use?
> Also, I don't see extra_libdir_str free'd in your patch ;)
Oups. I'll fix it.

By the way, I came up with simpler solution for this patch. Actually, all the 
code in configure is not necessary. One could use -D flag in CFLAGS to achieve 
the same result. So I think I'll also add another commit to remove everything 
from configure.
> Btw, I'm still thinking about 0.9.26.
Great :) Please wait this is fixed then. I did a snapshot of the master branch 
for distribution in Debian. I plan to let it stay in Debian experimental for a 
few weeks (my initial plan is 1 month but I could do 2 weeks) and then upload 
it in Debian unstable where it will have more coverage. So if you want you can 
wait a month and I'll tell you if I have any bug report when it hit unstable. 
Note that I'm also fine for releasing now, especially since it would simplify 
my work.
> Best regards,
Best regards.
> --- grischka
Thomas Preud'homme
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