Le jeudi 14 février 2013 17:58:36, grischka a écrit :
> Thomas Preud'homme wrote:
> >> If not, just do nothing.  Exept on old x86_64, you could
> >> set lddir=lib64 if it exists.
> > 
> > Yep, just after sending my mail about finding libc.so.6 I thought it
> > might be better to look for crti.o. I hope that approach will please
> > you.
> Well, I see it's not trivial.  Doing it completely statically
> like when you had it in tcc.h isn't good because you can't test
> file existence anymore.  Doing it completely dynamically
> by looking at ldd may end up in hardlink jungle.  So maybe
> there is something in between.
> I changed configure to pass CONFIG_xxxDIR/PATH options via
> commandline.  Reason: otherwise it is not possible to leave
> CONFIG_MULTIARCHDIR undefined e.g. for cross-compilers.

Ah yes, great.

> Now, if we could move those three runtime checks from Makefile
> to configure I will be completely unconditionally happy ;)
> - ifneq (,$(wildcard /lib/ld-linux.so.3))
> - ifneq (,$(wildcard /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3
> /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-linux.so.3)) - $(if $(shell grep -l
> "^Features.* \(vfp\|iwmmxt\) " /proc/cpuinfo),-DTCC_ARM_VFP)

Now EABI and HARDFLOAT can be detected in configure by looking at the triplet: 
if it ends in eabi then it's just -DTCC_ARM_EABI, if it ends in eabihf then 
you also need to add -DTCC_ARM_HARDFLOAT.

As to the other test, it just need to be moved to configure. Let's try that.

> (Of course I don't insist.  Just if you can see a nice solution right now)
> Thanks for all your work,
> --- grischka


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