Daniel Glöckner wrote:
On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 05:43:03PM +0200, Thomas Preud'homme wrote:
As I already said privately, I'm fine with BSD-2-clause.

Does that mean you prefer it over the LGPL?

What about you, grischka? Which one do you prefer?

I don't have a preference yet (and even if I had one I'm not
sure it would count since as it stands I will be not so much
involved in tinycc anymore anyway).

One data point is that Fabrice apparently thinks it could be a
good idea, and since tinycc originates from his thinking, there
could be something to it.

I'm personally not much bothered about someone using my portions
of code in some private or commercial project.   If anything at
all I'm interested in the best future for the tinycc code base

In that sense, let's think positive:
1) how would/could it help to switch to BSD?
2) how would/could it help to stay with LPGL?

--- grischka


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