Le 2014-03-31 23:46, mobi phil a écrit :

Was not proposing to commit this into the main repo, just a very
simple way to tag lines that probably need some more comments.
The "experts" then just could do a diff and see those points, remove
the tag and/or add comment.

Oh you mean through another repo? Sorry, I assumed the main repo. I'm too used to the centralized approach we have for tcc.

Thought this would be a very simple channel for this goal.

Yeah indeed. But it would make searching the questions not so easy. You'd use diff but over time the diff would also contain the answers.

Do you have any specific code review platform, that could be well
integrated with git and a simple editor like vim?

Nope sorry. I know you can do this via github but I'd rather we stick to open platform if possible. But yeah, github would be easy to setup.

Honestly never used mob. On http://repo.or.cz/h/mob.html [1], "_only_
if you add a mob user and" statement made me thinking that I need
some access grant. Will read again the documentation.

It mentions about the administrator of the repo. As a user you have almost nothing to do. Mob is enabled for tcc so you can just push as I said.

Best regards,


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