Hello? Nobody replying this thread? I have no doubt that this is one of the 
most important developments of the last year, and I see no feedback for it. 
Integrating a help documentation tool in the OpenERP client is a "must" that 
most users ask for.

As Albert point out in his post, this development needs a new "doc" directory 
in each module, to get the info from there:

> "Each new module may have (hopefully we can make this a requirement) a doc 
> directory and is written using Sphinx syntax plus some extensions (yes, you 
> need Sphinx installed in the server). This ensures documentation is near the 
> code and developers feel comfortable with it, while being intelligible by 
> documentation writers too. So it is expected that the doc directory will have 
> one or more .rst files. Alternatively, if the module provides documentation 
> for other modules it could have a modules subdirectory with the documentation 
> of each of the modules it documents (don't worry if you need to read this 
> sentence twice, it occurred to me and I wrote it ;-). For example, as we (at 
> NaN) have no commit access to addons repository, we have created some 
> documentation for base, product and account  modules. In this case, if the 
> module is called addons_doc the directory will look like this:
> addons_doc/doc/
> addons_doc/doc/modules/
> addons_doc/doc/modules/base/
> addons_doc/doc/modules/product/
> addons_doc/doc/modules/account/
> Note that if a module provides documentation for other modules (and thus has 
> the doc/modules/ directory) any other file inside doc/ will be just ignored. 
> If we wanted to provide documentation for the addons_doc module itself, then 
> we would add a new directory for it inside addons_doc/doc/modules.
> I mentioned that the syntax of those files is Sphinx plus some extensions. 
> There are two kinds of extension tags: replacements and identifiers."

As you all know, we can't commit to the stable official modules. So, questions:

- Is anybody out there interested in this?
- Is anybody out there from OpenERP SA looking at this? Do you like the doc 
directory proposal for this? What can we do with the official modules?

And of course, and this should have been my firts sentence, thank you very much 
Albert and NaN team for developing this. Koo client has a new feature that 
makes even better than the GTK one.

Carlos Liébana Anero

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