Dear XRG
Thankyou for your enlightment

> The "id" is a special field for the OpenERP framework. You should never try 
> to assign it to a field (like you did), or allow the user to write/edit it. 
> Just let it be hidden.
> If you wanted eg. to have the car's license plate or taxi # in a field, 
> please pick a different name for the field like "car_plate" or "taxi_no" .

Fixed ... thankyou

> Another convention (but not a strict rule), btw. is that names like 
> "something_id" are used for many2one fields, eg. ones pointing to some other 
> table.

I have problem with relations, but I'll post it a new thread just to keep it on 


-------------------- m2f --------------------


-------------------- m2f --------------------

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