
I'm still a newbie in openerp concerns, that's the reason I'm asking for some 
help with this modification.

I found in OpenERP Swiss Alliance 
 the following entry describing how to add 5 digits price accuracy in OpenERP. 
This is exactly what we need for our company, and I though it could solve our 

The point where I'm missing the explanation is where they tell you to create a 
new XML inherited from "product.normal.form" and add these "position" and 
"digits value" (before/after/instead). I've created this inherited form, but I 
got no idea where to add these properties.

If anybody could give me a clue over this I would appreciate it very much.

Here's the complete text:

> 5 digits prices
> Every screen in OpenERP is defined by one or more XML file(s).
> The files can be edited through the client menu "Administration > Custom > 
> Interface > View".
> Existing views should not be edited or any changes will be lost when 
> upgrading the module (the files will be overrided).
> Let's try to add 4 decimals in the list price.
> You have to look for the 'product.normal.form' in the menu. You can see that 
> the cost price is given by the value 'list_price'
> Create a new XML view that will inherit from 'product.normal.form' and add 
> the following:
> The newly defined 'list_price' will override the normal form.
> The position value could be 'before', 'after' or 'replace'
> The digits value are <total> , <number>.
> Edit the tools/config.py file and replace
> 'price_accuracy' : 2, 
> by
> 'price_accuracy' : 5,
> Remove the tools/config.pyc file and restart the server.
> To store the data, we have to change the DB constraint. Connect as the 
> postgres user and use the psql command line tool.
> su postgres
> psql <my>
>  ALTER TABLE product_template ALTER list_price TYPE numeric(16,5);
> Now, we should do the same changes for the standard_price. As this value is 
> used in a Postgres view, we must first drop the view. (stop OpenERP before).
> DROP VIEW report_mrp_inout
> ALTER TABLE product_template ALTER standard_price TYPE numeric(16,5);
> CREATE VIEW report_mrp_inout AS
> SELECT min(sm.id) AS id, to_char((sm.date_planned)::timestamp with time zone, 
> 'YYYY:IW'::text)
> ............
> GROUP BY to_char((sm.date_planned)::timestamp with time zone, 
> 'YYYY:IW'::text);
> Restart OpenERP, and you are done.

Thanks in advance,

Damian Alvarez

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