@Bounaberdi, and others that are interested in the Migration

By making the migration module we tried to address two problems:
* there was no free migration option at the time of migrating of v4->5. And as 
I understand there is just one around, made around OOR (sorry, I have not 
tested it). But as I understand all of other solutions (those, open and 
proprietary) are just scripts, which are not an option for an advanced user, 
still who is not a developer. As our migration tool is rather a visual (built 
entirely inside OpenERP) scenario constructor, it is pretty simple to install 
it and use it.

* as OpenERP evolves rapidly, correlating to what was said by Bounaberdi, lot 
of modules and models merge/split/disappear. So we saw only one single 
important thing to bring over to a new installation - it is data, of course. 
Custom modules and views need to be revised by developers (guess why...). Data 
is the most valuable thing to preserve.

Still not all data is to be brought along to a new base. With the Migration 
module it is able to split/merge or even create data for new models, and 
connect the data to preexisting records, like countries, etc.

The best scenario is to create configuration manually (there is no other way to 
address all the incompatible changes to the core), and move only part of data, 
which is needed. Usually it is the time of leaving some historical data behind, 
to clean up the base.

We have not thought of supplying the migration scenarios along with other 
modules. This deserves some think-over.



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