
the MAX232 integrated circuit will do the job perfectly! Go to www.maxim-ic.com, search for that IC and download the datasheet; you'll see that you will only need about 5 capacitors and the rest is just wiring.
   Lomba, Emmanuel.

Michael Schippling wrote:

all things are possible...haw.

Assuming you can attach wires to the Rx, Tx, and Gnd contacts
on the mote you should be able to connect them to some other logic
level serial device -- remember to cross them over Rx to Tx.

That said, _real_ RS232 works at +/-3v but the logic levels from the
motes are more on the order of 0 and +3v, so you need a level converter
if you want to plug straight into a PC or something. I recently found
some simple ones by Googling "serial level converter" I think.
The programmer board has a single chip MAXsomething-or-other that
does the job.


Prasanna Ballal wrote:

Hi all,
Is there a way of communicating with the motes directly with the serial port without using the programmer board? All I need to do is communication and not programming. Regards, Prasanna Ballal.


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