I had trouble with the cygwin upgrade that is purportedly required
for >.10 TOS upgrade. UISP under the new version is apparently
incapable of addressing windoze COM ports, and I use a USB converter
that doesn't seem to play the fake "/dev/ttyN" game required).

So I wasn't able to really test stuff, but during various cross
version attempts I didn't have any trouble with the updated TOS
itself. Or none that you wouldn't have from any usual TOS upgrade...

I think xbow is just keeping a steady hand on the throttle of
what code they have to support for their users. Although it would
be nice to get a feeling for what versions most people use and
what the problems/features are....

Just in case anyone wants to compile such a thing....

I just upgraded from 1.1.7 to 1.1.10 with no obvious pain.
1.1.7 does not fully support micaz (UART TOSMsg communication at least.)
1.1.10 works for both '2s and 'Zs.


Ivan Wing Mau Cheung wrote:
Crossbow says the XBow codes only supports TinyOS up to v1.1.10. But I need TinyOS v1.1.15 for Deluge. Does anybody have experience on trying out XBow codes on TinyOS v1.1.15 successfully or in failure? Thank you,


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