I'm trying to work with the stargate. I'm following the reference manual,
but I can't to unzip the arm-linux-gcc-3.3.2.tar.gz file (presents in the
crossbow CD) on the stargate.
I don't have a good experience with the linux platform, the only things
that I did, are:

-type the command like in the instruction (pag.25 manual Rev. B, January
2006 Document 7430-0317-13), but I receive this message error:

   tar: z: Cannot open: No such file or directory
   tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I tried too without the option -z, but it still doesn't work.

- copy the .gz file from the PC to the stargate trought the ethernet with
the "scp" command; then i tried to unzip but it didn't work

I have a linux/unix manual, but I can't go away.

What is the correct syntax of the command?
Thanks in advance.

Ing.Alessandro Balvis
Centro Ricerche ENEL -Pisa

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