After searching documentation and the mailing list, I haven't been
able to find a definitive recommendation on what method applications
should use to communicate with both the radio and UART.  Initially, I
thought that following the example of TOSBase was the way to go, but
connecting directly to FramerM didn't seem to work with an app that
also uses GenericComm and, based on an earlier post
app connections to FramerM seem to be discouraged.

So, if using GenericComm for both UART and radio communications is the
recommended method, then how are applications supposed to determine if
a received packet is from the UART?  Is the only way to add a source
field to your packets and set it to TOS_UART_ADDR in your Java app
before sending?  Or, is there some other way to recognize a UART
packet via GenericComm without adding packet fields?


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