Hello everybody.

I'm trying to run a simulation with tossim but it indicates an error 
about "Connecting to simulator failed". GUI executes fine but simulation 
doesn't work.

I obtain the following in the cygwin shell:
$tinyviz -run build/pc/main.exe 30
java -Dpython.cachedir=/tmp/jython.cache -DDBG= -DSIMDBG= -jar 
C:/ARCHIV˜1/UCB/cygwin/opt/tinyos-1.x/tools/java/tinyos/sim/simdriver.jar –
gui –run build/pc/main.exe 30
Starting Simdriver ...
Simulation random seed 11968640
Initializing simulator objects ...
Loading simulator plugins ...
Creating TinyViz GUI ...

Welcome to Tython. Type ‘quit’ to exit.
ESC on a line by itself will pause/resume the simulator.

>>> AUTORUN: Initializing simulation.
AUTORUN: Running simulation: build/pc/main.exe –gui –r=lossy –seed=11968640 –
nodbgout 30
AUTORUN: Connecting ...
SF enabled, 0 clients, 0 packets read, 0 packets written SimComm: 
TossimInitEvent received (30 motes)... initializing system.
SimComm: Pausing system for TossimInitEvent
AUTORUN: Simulation running.

>>> AUTORUN: Stopping simulation.
AUTORUN: Done with run.
AUTORUN: Destroyed process.
Java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:168)
        at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:182)
        at java.io.DataInputStream.readShort(DataInputStream.java:320)
        at net.tinyos.sim.SimProtocol.readEvent(SimProtocol.java:86)
        at net.tinyos.sim.SimProtocol.readEvent(SimProtocol.java:165)
        at net.tinyos.sim.packet.TossimSerialSource.readTossimPacket
        at net.tinyos.sim.packet.TossimSerialSource.readSourcePacket
        at net.tinyos.packet.AbstractSource.readPacket(AbstractSource.java:104)
        at net.tinyos.packet.PhoenixSource.packetDipatchLoop
        at net.tinyos.packet.PhoenixSource.run(PhoenixSource.java:169)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] died - restarting (java.net.SocketException: 
Connection reset)
SF enabled, 0 clients, 0 packets read, 0 packets written
AUTORUN: Stopping simulation.

I already have tried the tips given in the help-list by other subscribers, 
however I haven't a solution for my problem.

I'll appreciate your help.


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