Well, I tested Deluge with TOSBase and it works fine, after all...
So, test your TOSBase with some other application to see if this is the problem.


O/H Holger Marquardt έγραψε:

Hi Yannis,

thanks for your reply!

For my project, I'm planning to have each node with it's own images stored. So I don't 
want the images "walking around". We have a roboter managing the network (with 
an attached programming board + node), so I can reach every node with one hop from the 
base (=pc). The easiest way would be to use TOSBase, but it doesn't work with Deluge, I 
don't know why (base toggles red LED, not a single node shows any reaction). I would be 
glad to get any hints concerning TOSBase, like do I have to use special adresses for 
source or destination or anything else (group id is the same).

But what I want in the end, is to have a node connected to PC (or robot) which 
runs Deluge (modified if required) and can also route messages into the 
network, although getting messages into the net is my priority for now.


Ioannis Krontiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 28.02.06 10:09:21:
Hi Holger,

Can you be more specific on what you want to do? Do you want the program image disseminated and stored in all nodes but you choose which one will load it, or you want only a specific node to store the image in its memory, and then load it ? Because, as you know, the nodes first store the image in the EEPROM, and when you give the appropriate command, they load it and run it.

(1) the base station is a deluge node as every other node. It creates its own messages to send to its neighbors. It doesn't function as a base station really. (2)(3) There is not any "forwarding" procedure. What happens is that when a node (including the "base station") receives a new page of a program image and store it in its EEPROM, then it advertises it and send it to any other node that request it. The only difference with the base station is that you "manually" download the image to the mote.

The easiest way to do what you want to do, is to let the image disseminate in all the network and then permit to only the node with a specific ID to load it and run it. But this doesn't disable the epidemic behaviour of Deluge. If you want the nodes to just forward the packets that they receive without storing them in EEPROM, then there will be quite some code that you need to change. I would be glad to help though.


O/H Holger Marquardt έγ�α�ε:

Hello all!

I'm trying to disable the epidemic behavior of Deluge 2.0. I want to program 
only one Mica2 node selected by the Id.
If I make the nodes respond only to messages for their Id, the basestation (the 
node connected to the pc) doesn't respond, too (well, that's good so far), but 
it also doesn't forward any messages into the sensor network (that's bad...). 
When I use the Id of the basestation, everything works fine for the 
basestation. If I use TOSBase (what I don't want to) it doesn't work, too, no 
node responds.
So I played a bit around, and my questions are now:

(1) Does the basestation forward every message into the network and vice versa or does it 
send "own" messages?
(2) What is the sourceAddress from a message sent from pc into the network 
after forwarding through the BS?
(3) When and how does a node decide to forward any message?

As example NetProgM.nc :
If a node recieves a netProgMsg, it sends a netProgMsg back to the sourceAddr, 
with it's own Id as new sourceAddr. No forwarding, how can I then ping a node 
other than the BS?

Any help (or any new ideas) would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks, Holger

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