Hi I am working on the MICA2 motes on the topic of localization. I had two questions

1. In nesC, how do i change the power of the radio. Tha manual says that appropriate values need to be written to register 0x0B. Do i need to use assembly?
2. Can I program the mote to transmit at a particular freq but receive a range of frequencies

3. Can someone provide me a link to some documentation that explains how radio comm is handled in nesC. I have already read the tutorial but need to know in more detail.
      1. What happens when the mote wants to send/receive a packet while another packet is in the process of being sent/received?
      2. What is the size of the buffer that the receive event accesses? From the tutorial it seems capable of holding only one packet of type TOS_Msg. Can I program to have a bigger buffer size?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Aditya Bhave
Tinyos-help mailing list

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