You probably have to make sure you have formatted the messages
correctly. I can imagine it being difficult with hyperterm since
the messages are binary and terms usually insist on ascii...

Look back in this list for descriptions of the message formats,
there's a good online paper that I can never find...


Hyemin Chung wrote:
I am trying to connect a tmote to a PC with MS windows and FTDI USB serial converter driver. For a test, i am using python(pyserial) and hyper terminal for a PC, and TOSbase for a tmote. I found that I could read from the tmote but I couldn't send anything from PC to tmote. I modified TOSbase to toggle LEDs whenever it received signals from a PC, but it didn't work. I'd like to know if there is any other person who has similar problems. Is it the problem of usb-to-serial converter? if then, what is the good driver?
Is it the problem of TOSbase?
Is it the problem of Python Serial module and hyper terminal?
Thank you, Hyemin Chung


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