Try SimpleCmd sample and modify Makefile to COMPONENT=Bcast. This is a special case of multihop broadcast.

Hi everyone:

Recently I try to use one mote as a message repeater, Here is the scenario:

Assume that there are  5 sensors in the network, and their id are
0,1,2,3,4 respectively. TOSBase is installed into No.0 mote as a
basestation. Now I would like to use No.1 mote as a repeater which
repeats the message of No. 2,3,4 motes. Once the messages of No.2,3,4
motes is received by No.1, it automatically send them out.

I try to modify TOSBase by switching the RadioRcvdTask to radiosend,
however it doesn't seem to work. Can somebody point me which
interface/component to use or how to implement it?? Thanks!!

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