On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 10:42 +0000, sun yi wrote:
> hi all,
>    Every know in tinyos-1.x/……/tos/lib/Router there are some components 
> about router,
>  but in tinyos-2.0 I couldn`t find any component about router, who can tell 
> me how does the 
> tinyos-2.0 realize the network organization ?

TinyOS 2.0 does not yet have a full collection implementation. The net2
WG is working on it currently. TEP 119 describes the structure and
interfaces of the abstraction.

I suspect that taking MultihopLQI and porting it to 2.x would require
very little work, if you just want to get something up and running. The
reason why net2 hasn't done this is MultihopLQI assumes a CC2420 radio.


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