Hi all,

funnily enough, now it seems to work. I guess after playing with the USB
connections and stuff may jam them up a bit after a while. I tried again
after a fresh restart and everything works.

So, like I commented yesterday, I wanted to develop some kind of
SerialForwarder for multiple motes connected to the computer per USB. I
have been giving it some thought and I can't seem to find a way of doing
it. I guess it might work for listening to the motes, but not for
sending to them for the computer. 

For example, if we have two appications, say, one which listens to the
motes, which periodically send a status message to it, and another which
allows us to turn the leds on and off from the command line in the
computer. If the listening application has all ports open to listen to
all motes, and the led control application wants to send a command to a
mote, it can't open a connection itself to that mote because it'd break
the already existing connection that the listening program has with that

The best solution that I have thought of consists on writing a USBCom
class which would handle all connections (basically create Phoenix and
MoteIF objects based on the motes connected to the computer -- at first
manually, but it'd be pretty interesting if it could be done
automatically afterwards, a bit based on the idea David Moss commented
some days ago), and integrate all independent applications into one
program, a kind of shell which would allow the user to control all of
them through commands, eg. "listen for status messages", "turn the red
led on mote 5 on", etc...

What do you think of this? Is it too complicated? Does anyone have a
simpler/better suggestion to work on this?

Any positive and negative comments will be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you,

- Jose.

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