On Apr 23, 2006, at 10:44 PM, Liu, Ping ((GE, Research)) wrote:

Hi Phil

Thanks for the reply. However,the set-mote-id script just generates different images with different node IDs, fundamentally it's still a flashing/reflashing mechanism. I would like to avoid it for security reasons, e.g. I don't want to my motes to be flashed by end users except allowing some simple configurations. Is there a way around it?

You mentioned that in tinyOS 2.x, one could modify arbitrary variables, does it still require reflashing? I am not up to date with 2.x development at all.

Thanks again for the help, I really appreicate it.

Ah, you want to change the variables dynamically at runtime? There are a couple of approaches:

1) The Drip component of the SNMS management system;
2) PyTOS;
3) Use Mate', a virtual machine that lets you run programs which set the variables.

3) is by far the heaviest-weight of the approaches (it gives you a full scripting interface), and will also require that you write a bit of nesC code to set the variables, so it sounds like more than what you want and more effort than you're interested in. 1) and 2) are both reasonably lightweight options.

There may be others out there, that I'm not aware of.

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