
Thanks for your reply.  So the final packet after escaping 0x7E and 0x7D is:

7e 42 7d5e 00 7d5d 0b 0101000000000000000000 69b0 7e and what I should send to the mote is the binary:


I am sending the packet using a C program I wrote that reads from and writes to the serial port (The code is running on windows XP and using Dev-C++) and I am using the function: WriteFile(hCom, &final, 1, &nReadPort,NULL); where final is the array that contains the binaries.

char final[177] = {"11100111001001001101011111100101000000001101011111010101101100000001000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100101100000101111100111"};

hCom = CreateFile( pcCommPort,
                    GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE,
                    NULL, // no security attributes
                    OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use OPEN_EXISTING
                    0,    // not overlapped I/O
                    NULL  // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices

It is not working (The Led is not turning on)….Any idea why???

Thanks in advance,


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