  Once the mote is sleeping, how can it be woken back up??  After shuting down
the radio and all, can a simple timer be used to wake the mote back up??


Quoting David Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I'm using 1.1.15, and have found similar to previous versions that your app
> for mica(2|2dot|z) must wire in HPLPowerManagementM and then call
> HPLPowerManagement.enable() at start before anything useful happens.
> Without doing this, the mote consumes somewhere around 2-3 mA while the
> radio is disabled.  With HPLPowerManagement.enable()'d at startup, the mote
> consumes approximately 0.102 mA when the radio is disabled and everything is
> quiet.
> For reference, using a 0.106% duty cycling CC2420 radio on a micaz, the mote
> will last about 16 days on 1500 mAh batteries with no power management.
> When you add in that power management, you get about 266 days on the same
> 1500 mAh batteries.
> That's a big difference.  I think HPLPowerManagement should be enabled by
> default when compiling for the mica2/z's
> -david
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael
> Schippling
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 12:20 PM
> To: Harri Siirtola
> Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
> Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Mica2, CPU Timed Sleep and Wakeup
> wow...coulda fooled me about the automatic part...kewel.
> Will have to try it sometime.
> Which is the "current tree" however?
> MS
> Harri Siirtola wrote:
> >
> > First, as far as I know, the Snooze component is deprecated. There are
> > many improvements in the newer TInyOS versions that make things much
> > more simple. For example, the CountSleepRadio app (previously in
> > "contrib/ucb", now in the "apps" dir IIRC) is good for just testing that
> > power saving works. It just sends an incremented integer over the air
> > and goes to sleep. When a timer expires, the mote wakes up and sends the
> > next one. There's another example, "apps/examples/TestSleep" which
> > toggles a led between sleeping periods.
> >
> > Second, in the current tree, power saving is transparent to the user.
> > When there are no interrupts (nor tasks, IIRC) pending, and only Timer 0
> > running, power saving kicks in. You can test it with the latest
> > measuring apps, just study the "make/avr/route.extra" to see which
> > commad line switches you must use to enable power saving. The
> > "PowerManagement.AdjustPower()" call is deeper down the radio stack and
> > is automatic once you compile the app correctly.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >         Harri
> >
> > At 01:18 PM 4/26/2006 -0600, Michael Schippling wrote:
> >> Sorry, I'm at a loss. I thought that one of the features of the motes
> >> was the ability to sleep between samples to save power, but I never
> >> paid attention to how/where/why this might work. I actually have it
> >> on my list of things to do for a project that I never work on anymore...
> >>
> >> Assuming as usual that no one who actually knows how to do this will
> >> answer your question...Perhaps there is something in the atmega spec
> >> book about it?
> >>
> >> MS
> >>
> >> Gregory A. Moore wrote:
> >>> Michael,
> >>> Thank you for your response, but:
> >>> SnoozeC only works for Mica motes, not Mica2.  They have a slightly
> >>> different processor so I am sure there are some dependency issues
> >>> that don't quite fit.
> >>> I have also looked at the OnOffApp which is supposed to essentially
> >>> be the Snooze for the mica2, but it relies on a radio packet to start
> >>> the mote again.
> >>> If you have any other suggestions I am greatly appreciative.
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Greg
> >>>
> >>>> There is a module tos\platform\mica\SnoozeC.nc that purports to
> >>>> do the shutdown and timer wakeup. And a TestSnooze demo app.
> >>>> I haven't tried them, YMMV...
> >>>> MS
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Gregory A. Moore wrote:
> >>>>> Hi All,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I have perused the archives about this pesky timed mica2 sleep
> >>>>> problem and have not found
> >>>>> any code snippets or anything of huge benifit.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I repeat the question:
> >>>>> I am working with Mica2.
> >>>>> I would like to put the mote's CPU to sleep for a set period of
> >>>>> time and then have it
> >>>>> awoken by some timer, not an incomming radio packet.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I have done the power measurements with the use of
> >>>>> HPPowerManagementM and I have not
> >>>>> gotten any successful current readings that show me that the
> >>>>> module  is doing anything in
> >>>>> the way of sleeping.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The code from Berkely's study for P-TOSSIM shows us how to set the
> >>>>> mote's CPU to sleep,
> >>>>> but it does not show us how to wake it up with a timer.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I write nesC well, but I am not an experienced embedded programmer
> >>>>> so I am not quite sure
> >>>>> how to program the awake tasks from the schematics.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I hope there is someone out there who can help me with my woes.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The code snippet I am using to put the mote to sleep is at the end
> >>>>> of this email.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thank you in advance,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Greg
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Successful code. thanks to Berkely folks, to put the mote to sleep:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> task void gotoSleep() {
> >>>>>  cli();
> >>>>>  //fires the interupt pin to signal data recording
> >>>>>  //This is PIN5 on the connector, use probe to read signal
> >>>>>  TOSH_SET_INT1_PIN();
> >>>>>  TOSH_CLR_INT1_PIN();
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  // set the PA_POW to 00h to ensure lowest possible leakage current
> >>>>>  call CC1000Control.SetRFPower(0x00);
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  // power down the radio
> >>>>>  call CC1000StdControl.stop();
> >>>>>  //call CC1000RadioIntM.StdControl.stop();
> >>>>>  //call HPLPowerManagement.adjustPower()
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  ///Code taken from Snooze.nc,  this is current code used to
> >>>>>  //put the Mica2 into different low power states
> >>>>>  // save port state
> >>>>>  port[0] = inp(PORTA); nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[1] = inp(PORTB); nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[2] = inp(PORTC); nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[3] = inp(PORTD); nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[4] = inp(PORTE); nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[5] = inp(DDRA);  nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[6] = inp(DDRB);  nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[7] = inp(DDRD);  nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[8] = inp(DDRE);  nops(8);
> >>>>>  port[9] = inp(TCCR0); nops(8);
> >>>>>  // Disable TC0 interrupt and set timer/counter0
> >>>>>  //to be asynchronous from the CPU
> >>>>>  // clock with a second external clock (32,768kHz) driving it.
> >>>>>  //Prescale to 32 Hz.
> >>>>>  cbi(TIMSK, OCIE0);  nops(8);
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  // set minimum power state
> >>>>>  // NOTE: this enables pull-ups;
> >>>>>  //       -may be sensor board dependant
> >>>>>  //       - (ex: Port C should be lo during sleep, not hi?)
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  outp(0x00, DDRA);        // input
> >>>>>  outp(0x01, DDRB);        // input
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  // changed 00 to ff because the impedance was high in the sleep
> >>>>>  // state, drawing 8mA for 5 sec before sleeping. Now it immediately
> >>>>>  // snoozes.
> >>>>>  outp(0xff, DDRC);        // input
> >>>>>  outp(0x00, DDRD);        // input
> >>>>>  outp(0x00, DDRE);        // input
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  outp(0xff, PORTA);        // enable pull-ups
> >>>>>  outp(0xfe, PORTB);  // enable pull-ups except for PB0
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  // changed the value of PORTC from ff to 0 because ff
> >>>>>  // sounds the alarm when the mote goes to sleep.
> >>>>>  outp(0x00, PORTC);        // enable pull-ups
> >>>>>  outp(0xff, PORTD);        // enable pull-ups
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  cbi(ADCSRA, ADEN);     //  disable adc
> >>>>>  sbi(ACSR,ACD);         //  disable analog comparator
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  //goes into sleep modes
> >>>>>  if (sm2 == 1){
> >>>>>        sbi(MCUCR, SM2); nops(8);
> >>>>>  }
> >>>>>  if (sm1 == 1){
> >>>>>        sbi(MCUCR, SM1); nops(8);
> >>>>>  }
> >>>>>  if (sm0 == 1){
> >>>>>        sbi(MCUCR, SM0); nops(8);
> >>>>>  }
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  //enable sleep, clocks stop
> >>>>>  sbi(MCUCR, SE);  nops(8);
> >>>>>
> >>>>>  //enable interupts (after wakingup - if you do)
> >>>>>  sei(); nops(8);
> >>>>>  //fires the red LED, and the pin
> >>>>>  TOSH_SET_INT1_PIN();
> >>>>>  call Leds.redOn();
> >>>>> }
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> _______________________________________________
> >>>>> Tinyos-help mailing list
> >>>>> Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
> >>>>>
> https://mail.millennium.berkeley.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/tinyos-help
> >>>>>
> >>>
> >>> --Gregory Moore
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> >> Tinyos-help mailing list
> >> Tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
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