Already exists.


On 4/27/06, Conor Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A suggestion and a question regarding David's post:
> Suggestion: How about a community-maintained wiki on  Then,
> as each of us acquires expertise in the various bits of TinyOS, we can
> document it for others.
> Question: What is a TEP?  Googling for this term led to a variety of
> colourful, yet ultimately useless possibilities.
> And for all of you who may not have looked into it, the TinyOS Eclipse
> plugin featured in the news section of is really quite nice,
> and has made my experience much more enjoyable.  I highly recommend it.
>        - Conor
> David Gay wrote:
> > On 4/27/06, WenZhan Song <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I strongly agree the following today's message (by Aditya) in TinyOS
> >> forum. If we look at the questions in TinyOS forum, many questions are
> >> repeated many time simply because TinyOS is not documented well --
> >>
> >
> > Note that this one of the major efforts in TinyOS 2.0: the major
> > subsystems are documented in TEPs. And note also that Phil Levis
> > recently wrote the following:
> >
> > which I thought was announced here... (Kristin/Phil: why isn't there a
> > link from
> >
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