
thanks for your quick answer. I noticed, as you said, that a lot of my
problems might be related to the PC/motes interaction. However, I fail
to understand what you mean with tasks/interruptions. Are you suggesting
I should create interruptions (async command or event) which would be
called from ReceiveMsg.receive/Timer.fired in which to perform the
operations I want to make sure they happen with no delay?


- Jose

> Try to avoid doing anything that is time critical in task context. E.g.
> timestamping a message in ReceiveMsg.receive is inadequate, because it's
> called from a task. Similarly, Timer.fired is also signaled from a task,
> which has a non-negligible jitter if you want to use it for timesync.
> Doing as much as possible from within the interrupt handlers would solve
> much of your issues. However, syncing with the PC is still kind of
> problematic, since the time difference between sending out a message
> from your java app and receiving it on the mote has a pretty bad
> variance...
> Janos

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